Order of The Divine Liturgy


The Proskomide is the service where the wine and bread are prepared for bringing to the altar later during the Great Entrance. more....

Prior to the start of the Divine Liturgy, the clergy will prayerfully clothe themselves with the vestments only used during the service. more....

Liturgy of the Catechumens

Blessed is the Kingdom
The priest begins the service by saying, "Blessed is the Kingdom of Heaven," lifting the Gospel book and making the sign of the cross.

Litany of Peace
The Litany of Peace is a series of prayers led by the Deacon or Priest which begin, "In Peace let us pray to the Lord..."

When the Litany is completed two hymns are sung, one to the Theotokos and the other to Christ.

Small Entrance
The small entrance is where the Gospel book is brought in procession and placed on the Altar.

The Thrice Holy Hymn is sung: "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Imortal."

Epistle, Gospel and Sermon
There is a reading from the letters of the Apostles and from the Gospel which contains the Good news of the life of Jesus. This is a lesson to teach and inspire with the news of God's love for us.

Liturgy of the Faithful

Cherubic Hymn
The first part of the cherubic hymn is sung while the Priest censes the people.

Great Entrance
A solemn procession where the specially prepared bread and wine (see Proskomide) are brought up the main aisle of the church and placed on the altar. The Cherubic Hymn is then completed.

Litany of Supplication
The deacon or priest leads all in prayer as we are about the consecrate the gifts. They begin with, "Let us complete our prayer to the Lord..."

Recitation of the Creed
The Creed is a statement of faith that we confess together before consecrating the gifts.

Anaphora, Consecration and Epiklesis
This is the most sacred part of the Liturgy where prayers are offered for the Holy Spirit to transform the wine and bread into the actual Boody and Blood of Jesus Christ.


Lord's Prayer
We recite the prayer that Jesus gave to us when the disciples asked him how they should pray."

Receiving Holy Communion
This is the time to read the Communion prayer and prepare for the taking of Communion while the communion hymn is sung. The priest is preparing the gifts for distribution. The Clergy receive the Holy Gifts and then the Communion is offered to the faithful from the chalice on a spoon.

Litany of Thanksgiving
Prayers and a hymn of thanksgiving are offered.

Prayers are offered asking for us to depart in peace.