Links for Additional Resources on Prayer
Orthodox Prayers - From the Orthodox Christian Foundation web site.
Abbreviated Prayer Book - From Abbot Alexander (Mileant), Holy Protection Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR), Los Angeles, CA.
Various Orthodox Prayers - From A Pocket Prayer book for Orthodox Christians, Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.
Transfiguration Orthodox Prayer Book - From the web site of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Lowell, MA.
Orthodox Prayer Book - The 1986 prayer book of Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, NY.
Prayer: Orthodox Christian Information Center
Prayer in the Eastern Orthodox Chruch - Orthodox Prayers, Orthodox Services, Devotions, and Offices.
On Line Chapel: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Orthodox Prayer Life - Saint Barbara Church, Orange CN
Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery - Numerous articles on prayer
Orthodox Way of Life Blog - Entries on Prayer
Orthodox Christain Prayers - St. Vladimir's Russian Orthodox Church